It's HERE!!! We are currently bringing you updates on HeAT and wrestleMANIA xSEVEN from the World Wrestling Federation.

Be sure to refresh often and click on each individual match for the most current updates!!! Enjoy!!!

wrestleMANIA xSEVEN Matches & Info :

Shane's limo then arrives in Houston. The APA is waiting for Tazz.

Ads for wrestleMANIA's web site and magazine follow the conclusion of this match! as well as commentary from Jim Ross and Paul Heyman. Linda and Stephanie have a "one-sided" conversation as Trish wheels her in the locker room. Stephanie gives Trish some orders for the anticpiated post-match celebration.

Team "ECK' is having a conversation. Angle says he didn't tap reffering to his fued with Benoit on past episodes of Raw and Smackdown!!

We are now taken to WWF New York where Jimmy Snuka is enjoying the match. The "Coach" interiews a fan from Brisbane, Austrailia who was the fan coming the furthest distance to WMX7.

The Rock enters the building.

Mick Foley's officiating biasnes is questioned by Michael Cole in an interview. Foley says "he'll call it right down the line"!!!

Michael Cole interviews Commisioner Regal in the trainers room 

where Wm. Regal is greeted by Kimchee.

We are then, yet again, showned the WWF Pep Rally from Fort Hood, Texas.

Angle is now interviewed by Kevin Kelly. Angle says he doesn't respect Benoit, but benoit has a sneak attack and lands a cross face to which Angle taps out.

We are now shown a recap of the Women's championship feud.

Kurt Angle's new video is advertisezed during this break. The Coach is now talking with Houston Astros' Jeff Bagwell and Moises Alou. Bags says that WMX7 is getting him jakked up for the 2001 season. Alou says he's not sure who's gonna' win.

Vince and Trish discuss Linda's medication dosage. Michael Cole interupts the meeting for a comment and Vince says he'll shock us in his match with Shane. The McMahon street fight developments are now shown.

We are now viewing footage from the WWF Axxes as we head into a transition

into the TLC 2 match. This was the footage featured on heat (see below)

Triple H is in his locker room, as well as the Undertaker preparing for their match.

WWF Axxes highlights are continuously being shown throughout these breaks in the action.

J.R. and Paul Heyman announce the upcoming pay-per-view Backlash coming from Chicago on 4/24; also the attendence of 67,925 was announced. marking the largest ever attendence at the Astrodome.

Another wrestleMANIA publication ad aired after the completion of the battle royal. It was followed by a recap of the HHH/Taker feud. Motorhead graces the near 68 grand crowd with Hunter's theme music and we are ready for our second to last match.

sundayNIGHT heAt updates :

Michael Cole and Tazz are currently examining the matches and MC'ing the pre-game event from inside the Reliant Astrodome in Houston, Texas.

William Regal was in his office talking to a picture of the queen.

The highlights of WWF Axxess are being shown as well.

Tonight's event should set an Astrodome Attendance record!!

The Bushwackers (in an interview) showed Lillian Garcia some of thier favorite snack, Sardinies.

Freddy Blassie, Afa, and captain Lou Albano gave their opinions on the gimmick battle royal from WWF New York.

Heat also featured highlights from the WWF Pep Rally at Fort Hood.

The Hardy Boyz had an interview from WWF Axxes. Matt commented on the injury to Lita and the personal issues of the match. Jeff commented on the danger issue of a TLC Match.

The Undertaker and Triple H apparently had a run-in during Axxes yesterday and that footage was shown. HHH was interviewed during a photo shoot. Hunter did not appreciate the disturbance, but said that he was ready for the match against dead man Inc.

Chris Benoit had the next interview. He said Kurt Angle was an amatuer when Benoit was perfecting his submission skills. he said he'll make Kurt tap!


sundayNIGHT heAt Match ;

Steve Blackman and Grandmaster Sexxay vs. Xfactor members Xpac and justinCREDIBLE

Blackman and Grandmaster gain the early advantage as the crowd tells Xpac what they think. Xpac tried to land the Bronco Buster but it failed. Albert becomes involved in the match. Credible is in the match and lands some gut kicks on Grandmaster and lands a nearfall. Xpac now tags into the match, but quick tags occur in the Xfactor tag team. Blackman tags into the ring and faces off against Credible. Xpac lands a pin with help from Albert's distraction.

wrestleMANIA xSEVEN All Day Festivities Schedule
Sunday, April 1, 2001
We will be keeping in touch with the World Wrestling Federation throughout the day and we will be offering coverage & updated from noon to midnight on wrestleMANIA and the upcoming wrestling festivities. 
Here's the schedule of events :
(most events occur at 17 past the hour and all events listed occur in eastern standard time)



     It has been quite a weekend for the WWF. Let's take you

first to WWF New York where many of the WWF Superstars

were promoting tonight's event. The bill of talent in NYC included

Triple H, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, Tazz, The Big Show, 

The APA, Raven, and Chris Benoit.

     Other promotional activities included a visit to Fort Hood in Texas

as WWF Talent met and greeted with members of the U.S. Armed

Forces. On hand at the base were the Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Bradshaw,

Trish Stratus, Lita, and Jacqueline.

     And who could forget the WWF Annual Axxes fan fest. Topping the bill

in Houston are The Rock, Steve Austin, Chyna, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Chris Benoit, Trish Stratus,

and the Hardy Boyz.

     One last note on tonight's match situation, Jim Cornette and Gillberg have been added to the "Gimmick Battle Royal".


rawWIRE Historical Update

    (continued from the rawWIRE Page)

     AWF/WWF Benefit Show - Neuburyport, Ma. - August 21, 1998

     The WWF sponsored this event and loaned many superstars to the show

including Kurt Angle, Scotty 2 Hotty, the Headbangers, The Giant Silva, Brother Love, Sgt. Slaughter, Tom Pritchard, The Hardy Boyz, and Edge. The superstars of the AWF battled their hearts out and in then end, it all came out in the ring with a full out battle.


wrestleMEDIA Audio Show on Napster

    This show will be featured on Napster's search engenine under key words : sportsWIRE, wrestleMEDIA, wrestleMANIAx7 radio show. Air times will be from 2;17 to 2:45p; 4:00-4:15p; feel free to download and share!!!


mikeyG's wrestleMANIA Scouting

    - look for Eddie Guerrero to win the European title

    - Tazz & the APA should ruin the RTC

    - Either Slaughter, Typhoon or Duke Drosee will win the gimmick battle royal

    - Unless there's interference, Chyna is your new Women's champ

    - Chris Benoit will make Angle "tap out" this time


rawWIRE Historical Update

    RAW IS WAR : June 8, 1999 - Worcester Centrum Centre :

    Only one title change that night as Ivory won the Women's gold. This RAW saw

Vince McMahon and the Corporate Ministry and Stone Cold's first day as CEO of the WWF. Austin rose some hell in a non-broadcast confrontation marking the end of

the night of wrestling in Worcester.


mikeyG's wrestleMANIA Scouting

    - Raven will lose the Hardcore title

    - Chris Jericho will defeat Regal and retain the IC Title

    - Shane defeats Vince with a little help from some WCW "friends"

    - Rhyno's interference guides E&C to their 7th tag title reign in TLC 2

    - Triple H outplays the Taker in the "Game"

    - Austin pleases the home crowd with another WrestleMania championship victory!!

Join us at 7:00pm est for our full coverage of wrestleMANIA xSEVEN and sundayNIGHT Heat!!!

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